Details for the January 12, Training and Networking Ministry Meeting
I am excited about the upcoming Evangelism Training and Networking Meeting in Houston, Texas. The meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 12 at 10 a.m.
We have secured a new meeting location that is convenient and easy to get to. We will meet at Hampton Inn, located at 4500 Post Oak Parkway near the Galleria. From the West Loop, exit San Felipe. Hampton Inn is located between David's Bridal and Micro Center.
This will be a great time of fellowship and learning! Everyone will have an opportunity to share evangelism ideas, upcoming events and be able to network with several ministries.
I will also be sharing additional ongoing ministry opportunities, which include children's ministry, door to door Bible distribution campaigns, prayer ministries, prison ministry, after school Bible clubs and much, much more.
I know that some of you who receive this newsletter are not in the Houston area. Please contact me if you are interested in the possibilities of starting a similar meeting in your area to help spread the Gospel through your city. If you will be able to attend the January 12 meeting in Houston, please RSVP through the link below so that I will have the appropriate materials ready for you.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Rev. Teddy Levron
R.S.V.P. for January 12 Meeting in Houston, Texas
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