Happy Easter!!
I just wanted to drop everyone a note, saying, Happy Easter!
Jesus is alive and well, waiting for us in heaven!
This is such a glorious season of celebration, not only because of the sacrifice that He made for us, but especially because He did not remain in the tomb.
My prayer is that you and your family will have a blessed tme together and that you will have an opportunity to share the message of the Gospel with those who need to hear.
God Bless you, as we work together to expand His kingdom,
Rev. Teddy Levron
Also, don't forget that the quantity discounts for '3 Essentials for Christian Living' will be changing after Easter. If you have not had an opportunity to order your copies, please take the time today to take a look at this easy to use evangelism resource.
Just copy this link into your browser.
Click Here To Order '3 Essentials For Christian Living'
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