For New Soul Winners
A Personal Message From Our Founder

Welcome to a great new adventure!

As new soul winners, you are about to embark on a fulfilling, lifelong journey. The great thing about this journey is that you will not be alone. Jesus promised that He would be with us until the "end of the age." Matthew 28

I will also be with you, along with thousands of others around the world who are engaged in the process of winning souls and making disciples for Jesus Christ.

I am here to share the knowledge and experience that the past 20 years of ministry have given me and to encourage you as you begin this exciting time of your life.

Feeble Beginnings

I remember my first feeble attempts at sharing the Gospel, unsure of myself and nervous, afraid that someone would ask me a question that I didn't know the answer to.

Be assured, someone will ask you a question that you don't know the answer to. But, that's O.K, because through that process, you will learn more about God's Word and they will realize that you are just another human being too.

Build Confidence

This website is designed to help you build confidence in your understanding of Scripture, give you the methods that work, help you to build relationships with other soul winners and provide resources that you can use in your evangelism efforts.

Over time, you will gain confidence, boldness and the satisfaction of knowing that God is using you to transform the lives of others.

If you'd like to read a short lesson on "Overcoming Fear In Sharing the Gospel, Click Here"

New Soul Winners Become Experienced Soul Winners

Over the years, I have been privileged to lead thousands of people to the Lord. I understand where you are and I also understand where you will be if you apply the principles that you learn here at:

I invite you to contact me any time when you have questions, comments or just need someone to pray with you.

If you are ready to start the greatest adventure of your life, bookmark this page, click on the link below and let's get going!

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Teddy Levron

Let's Get Started - What is Evangelism?

Click Here To Check Out Some Useful Resources For New Soul Winners

Contact Me Personally With Questions and Comments

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