Sidewalk Sunday School

An exciting way to reach children and
families with the message
of the Gospel!!

Sidewalk Sunday School, Backyard Clubs, After School Bible Study, whatever you want to call it, this method works!!

Picture this:

You drive into an apartment complex and begin to announce through your portable sound system that Sidewalk Sunday School is about to begin. Children begin gathering and following along, as you get ready for the program.

You spend a few exciting minutes greeting each child and getting to know them. Music is playing, the children are excited and more people are coming to see what all of the excitement is about.

You get the children organized, sitting on the ground, ready for the lesson that you have prepared. Prayer time, a few songs, games, prizes, then you settle in for the lesson.

You share the truth from the Word of God and watch as the children begin to understand Godly principles. They respond when you invite them to pray to accept Jesus into their lives. What a wonderful opportunity for being able to pray with them and their families.

You end the program by distributing prizes and snacks, pack up your materials, and reluctantly leave, already anticipating returning the following week to do it again and see what God will do!!

This is not fiction. This is the reality of what you can expect to experience, if you choose to become involved in this method of ministry.

How Do I Get Started?

Sidewalk Sunday School is not very complicated, but you do need to some equipment and you must take time to pray and prepare for each week's lesson and follow up.

Basic Equipment List

1)Portable Sound System

2)Tarps to lay on the ground for the children to sit on - one for the girls, one for the boys

3)Prizes, snacks, Bibles to use as giveaway items

4)Lesson materials, props, illustrated lesson materials, etc.

For many years, we used a mini van to conduct the programs. Just drive up to the location, park the van sideways and open the sliding door. Use the van as your backdrop and to keep the giveaway items safe during the program.

Once you gain permission from the apartment complex management to conduct the program, take some time to distribute flyers door to door, to meet the families and let them know that you will be coming on your scheduled date. Build excitement about the new program that will be happening in their neighborhood.

The Key To Success

The key to success in this ministry is CONSISTENCY!

You must do what you say you will do. Keep your promises to the the children at all costs. Don't make any promises that you can't keep.

Dedicate yourself to being there for the "long haul." Whatever you do, don't get involved in this type of ministry unless God has called you to it. You must see the children and their families as the flock that God has given you to Pastor.

You are there to serve them with the message of the Gospel. Go with a servant spirit!

Our limited space here does not allow us to go into specific detail about the different parts of a successful Sidewalk Sunday School ministry. I am currently working on a training manual that can be shared with those who are interested in this type of ministry. I also conduct workshops and training seminars on this area of ministry. If I can help you in developing a plan for your church or neighborhood, please feel free to contact me by Clicking Here.

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